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Honey Sweet Meadowsweet: an amazing pollinator

If you have never walked by a Meadowseet plant and inhaled a lungful of it's sweet perfume, you are missing out. Like so many of our helpful herbs, it is a "roadside" weed. I find the flowers stunning which complement the leaves, which are a bitter and contain salicylate.

Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) grows beautifully in my garden and I really want to plant more but it takes up a lot of space, and that is limited for me. The plant on it's second year grew to 3 feet wide and 4-5 feet high. Your yard will be full of bees once the flowers start blooming and your yard will smell wonderful. If you have fruit trees or just need more pollinators, place a Meadowsweet near by and you will never struggle for pollination again.

I started my Meadowsweet by seed. The seed likes to be refrigerated for 2-4 weeks (simulate winter) and then surface sowed on a quality potting soil. Keep moist and transplant when strong enough. Meadowsweet plants like a light shade, though mine is mostly sunny location, and moist, alkaline soil. I mulch my plant so it stays moist. I am just finishing harvesting my Meadowsweet flowers.

So why plant use Meadowsweet? It's properties include being an antacid, Digestive, Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Antibacterial. The flowers and leaves are harvested for use. I use Meadowsweet in my "Happy Tummy" tea blend as it is an excellent anti-inflammatory for inflammed intestines and mucous membranes. It is very soothing and helps with healing of the intestinal tract.

Meadowsweet can also be used for colds, flu, chronic gastritis, loose and watery stools, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation of the nerves, muscles and skin.

Look for Meadowsweet in your area and enjoy it's healing properties.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get this blog out. It is so busy with harvesting, drying, grinding, and making teas and flower art this summer along with helping my kids and grandkids. But very rewarding. My goal is to get out the next blog next week.... Guess what herb we will learn about then?

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